Yorba Successfully Completes Data Rights Protocol Conformance Testing

The Data Rights Protocol (DRP) consortium is happy to announce that Yorba, an authorized agent (AA) and DRP consortium member, has successfully completed conformance testing of v0.9.3 of the DRP! 

This is a major milestone that sets the stage for the next round of testing with Permission Slip and Privacy Infrastructure Providers such as our partners at OneTrust. 

As we noted in this post, conformance testing ensures that consortium members have met all requirements of the protocol in their implementations while interoperability testing ensures that many different parties can communicate data rights requests to each other. 

“Yorba already offers a variety of ways to help our members declutter their online lives. But DRP takes everything to the next level. The protocol combines a solid technical foundation with a reliable path to adoption. This means we’ll be able to offer enhanced privacy automation to our customers starting on day one,” said David Schmudde, Co-Founder, CTO of Yorba.

“We’re delighted to see Yorba achieve this important milestone with their Data Rights Protocol implementation,” said Ginny Fahs, Director of Product R&D at Consumer Reports. “The DRP is meant to make it easier for all agents to serve data rights requests on behalf of consumers, and it’s amazing to have Yorba committed to this vision.”

It’s taken a great deal of hard work by the Yorba team to get to this stage and we’re excited to tackle the next round of testing this fall.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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