Week 5: New Year, New You

Warm Up: Identify How Far You’ve Come

Let’s take a moment to remember why we’re doing this work!  Every day, companies collect personal details about us (both online and off), and we all share more than we realize through our devices, our social media accounts, and more.

You’re not alone in being concerned about this, and you’ve done a great job over this bootcamp in building the muscles needed to do something about the weaponization of our data – not just what data companies have about us, but how that data is used.

Now, let’s reflect on how far you’ve come!  Over the past three months you learned about:

  • Your data privacy risks. The collection and use of your data can hurt our security, financial well-being, and independence, but you can also reduce online tracking by installing the Privacy Badger extension to your web browser.
  • Your “smart” connected devices, and how they over collect all sorts of information about you when they really should be practicing data minimization, a core part of the privacy legislation Consumer Reports needs your help passing around the country. You also learned how you can optimize your privacy settings for smart devices.
  • Your right to privacy, how legal protections should include strong enforcement mechanisms, and what privacy legislation looks like in your state. No state has the comprehensive privacy protections that we all deserve, but we’re building a movement to change that!
  • The data economy, who is making money off your data, and how we can hold them accountable. You also learned how to make it harder for them to make money off of your activities by disabling ad ID Tracking on your smartphone
  • How to take action, by sharing your story, signing petitions — and FOR THIS WEEK how to tell a company to stop selling your data or delete your account entirely with Permission Slip.

I hope that you’ve also learned more about what Consumer Reports thinks are the key components of good comprehensive privacy legislation.  Things like prioritizing data minimization, installing strong enforcement mechanisms, and ensconcing into law consumer rights like the ability to access, correct, and delete your data.

Your privacy affects the most personal parts of your life, but it takes a community to protect it, and now that you know what makes a good privacy law, we hope you’ll work with us to bring good legislation to every American.

Workout: Review the Checklist & Download Permission Slip

It’s time for your finisher!  Every good workout routine comes down to your own body, and knowing what you need to work on to make you feel good.  Sometimes, that’s some deep stretching to loosen up your back muscles (ok, that’s every time for me) and other times it might be pushing yourself to run that extra mile or swim that extra lap.

Download this workout

…and show you some of the tools we’ve made for protecting yourself including a step by step guide on how to use CR’s Permission Slip.

Download this workout

If you’ve already downloaded Permission Slip, then this is a moment to check in and turn on the Auto-Request feature.  Are there requests that have stalled, or that might need you to take some further action?

Stretch Goals: Take More Action & Participate in CR’s Data Action Day

  • RSVP for CRs Data Action Day co-hosted by All Tech is Human on January 29 to learn about actions you can take to pass strong privacy legislation, and to take control of your own privacy and security with Security Planner and Permission Slip.
  • SIGN UP as a privacy advocate for your community, and work for privacy legislation that protects us all. We’ll alert you to the big moments for privacy legislation in your state.
  • SHARE YOUR STORY about data abuses you have experienced. The more stories we can collect, the more likely lawmakers and regulators can create strong laws and rules to hold these companies accountable for data-related abuses.